Webinar 'Open data maturity 2023: best practices across Europe’, 2024-02-16, Online
EU inviterer til et webinar med beste praksis fra to land som viste imponerende vekst i modenhetsskåren sin innen åpne data.
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data.europa academy webinar 'Open data maturity 2023: best practices across Europe’OnlineDear open data enthusiasts,
We are happy to invite you to our ‘Open data maturity 2023: best practices across Europe’ webinar, where you can learn more about the insights and best practices from the 2023 Open Data Maturity report. The session will take place online on Friday 16 February 2023 from 10.00 to 11.30 CET.
Every year, the Open Data Maturity (ODM) assessment measures the level of open data maturity for 35 countries across Europe, highlighting their progress in promoting open data. In this webinar, we will discuss key insights from the 2023 report and delve into topics such as:
- The national open data best practices of two countries that demonstrated impressive growth in their maturity score, according to the Open Data Maturity Report 2023.
- The factors that helped these countries to achieve high growth in open data maturity over the past years, lessons learned and future plans moving forward.
- Advice on improving open data policy, impact, portal, and quality dimensions.
Are you curious to dive into the ODM 2023 report? Do you want to understand open data best practices and learn more about the factors that can help achieve high growth in open data maturity? Then mark your calendars and join us for an interesting discussion on ‘Open data maturity 2023: best practices across Europe’.
Would you like to participate? Please register through the following link.
After registration you will receive an email containing the calendar invite and the ClickMeeting link. Please note that this webinar will be recorded and published in the data.europa academy.
This will be a webinar open to everyone, meaning that all open data enthusiasts are invited to join. Feel free to share this event with your network.
We hope to see you soon!
Best regards,
data.europa.eu team