DSSC Insight Series: Standardisation in data spaces, Online, 2024-09-26
This month’s webinar, as part of the DSSC Insight series, will focus on standardisation in data spaces.
[event][name]DSSC Insight Series: Standardisation in data spaces[/name][allday]false[/allday][startDate]1727359200000[/startDate][endDate]1727364600000[/endDate][reminders][][/reminders][location]Online[/location][description]From the Data Spaces Support Centre dssc.eu:
This month’s webinar will focus on Standardisation in Data Spaces.
We’ll kick off with an overview of the current standardisation framework in data spaces, followed by key milestones achieved by the Data Spaces Support Centre (DSSC) in aligning with global standardisation organisations like CEN/CENELEC and W3C.
Introduction: Gianfranco Cecconi, Executive Director, DSSC
DSSC & Standardisation: Clara Pezuela (FIWARE Foundation) & Savvas Rogotis (BDVA)
The Data Spaces Protocol: Anil Turkmayali (International Data Spaces Association)
Don't miss this opportunity to dive into the future of standardisation in data spaces!
Join now[/description][mandatory]false[/mandatory][/event]